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Cancelled - Webinar: Thinking & Acting Differently: The Collective Impact Opportunity
Unfortunately, this webinar was cancelled. Please check back regularly for future learning opportunities. Ontario's Museums 2025 presented a vision of museums that better contribute to the well-being and health of our communities. A vision of museums that help communities address complex issues, facilitate debate and understanding, and develop innovative solutions. Collaboration – with funders, allies and community partners – is a significant part of how our work gets done these days. But, not all forms of collaborations are the same. Collective Impact is a unique form of collaboration that is demonstrating powerful results on tough community issues like reducing obesity, reducing poverty, engaging youth and increasing physical activity levels in families. This session will: introduce you to Collective Impact; highlight the mindset shifts it requires; and, share stories of it in action across a diverse array of community issues. Join Sylvia Cheuy, Director, Deepening Community at Tamarack – An Institute for Community Engagement, for this introductory webinar and find out about the five key elements of collective impact.
Online webinar
Oct 14, 2016

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