QR Codes and Augmented Reality: Lessons Learned

Alysa Procida, Director of Education, Operations and Outreach, Museum of Inuit Art


Ignite 2012:

The Museum of Inuit Art has been experimenting over the past year with strategies to better connect our varied audiences with the museum’s collection. Many of our visitors are not local members of the community, so pursuing initiatives to share content with them on the web has been a primary goal.

Throughout late 2011 and early 2012, MIA is exploring two new ways to bridge online content with the physical museum: installing a QR Code interactive tour and using Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the museum’s physical space and also launching an interactive virtual tour of the museum on the web. This talk compares responses to the two projects and comments on lessons learned for small museums entering these arenas.


Alysa ProcidaAlysa Procida is the Director of Education, Operations and Outreach at the Museum of Inuit Art in Toronto, Ontario. She earned a Masters of Arts from the University of Toronto and an Honours Bachelor of Arts at the University of Vermont, having also studied at University College London. As the Director of Education at MIA, Alysa is passionate about successfully engaging visitors with the artwork on display, effectively mediating information about the museum's collections to viewers, increasing visitor satisfaction and ultimately strengthening their relationship with both the museum and Inuit art.

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