2010-2011 Council Nominations

Get involved, be heard, and help lead the sector 

OMA Council Nominations 2010/2011

Council is responsible for policy direction guiding the affairs of the Ontario Museum Association, serving institutions and individuals across the province by providing professional development, advocacy, and museum-related programs, resources and support services. Council is expected to provide sound fiscal and ethical management and is legally responsible for the activities of the Association.

Term of Office is 2 years. Nominees must be individual members of the Ontario Museum Association, and both the nominator and seconder must be members in good standing.

Click here to download the nominations form. The deadline for Council Nominations is August 26, 2010.

Fax the completed nominations form, including nominator and seconder information, to (416) 348-0438, or email to [email protected], or mail to

50 Baldwin Street, Toronto ON, M5T 1L4 by August 16, 2010.