Digital Preservation Workshop



Session Title:



Ern Bieman (Heritage Information Analyst, Canadian Heritage Information Network)


Session Description:

You’ve spent time and energy to digitize your museum’s holdings, and having a digital preservation policy and plan is paramount to ensuring your efforts are not lost. What can be done though, when you are facing limited time and resources? This workshop, offered by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) is geared to providing digital preservation solutions to small museums and similar sized cultural heritage institutions. We will weigh the pros and cons of various solutions suitable to small museums, and consider appropriate hardware, software, and processes suitable for digital preservation in your museum. If your museum will soon be digitizing content or has already done so, but faces limited resources and knowledge of digital preservation, this workshop is for you.


Session Slides: 

Download the Presentation Slides [ PDF ]

Presenter Biographies:

Ern Bieman  Heritage Information Analyst (Canadian Heritage Information Network)

Ern Bieman researches and manages the production of content for the CHIN Professional Exchange website since 2007. Prior to this, he has worked in the private and education sectors as a Systems Engineer and Technical Specialist, and has worked in the not-for-profit and government sectors managing funding programs for IT-based R&D projects. Mr. Bieman holds a BSc in computer science, and master’s degrees in business and philosophy.